
A Linux distribution made out of fluff, bunnies, unicorns and awesome.

First Tour


It all started out with Parley. We justed wanted to test the amazing theming capabilities in the upcoming 4.5 release of Parley, and eventually we ended up doing a whole distribution 🙂 Parley is a wonderful application that helps you learn all those beautiful languages out there using a flash card approach and an incredibly magnificant grading technique, so that you always know where you stand. Our Fluffy Bunny theme will also be part of the regular Parley release. So also users of other distributions will be able to enjoy our work.


Fluffy will by default come with some of the best games the KDE software collection has to offer. For KBlocks, one of these incredibly entertaining KDE Games, there already happened to be a theme which fits our overall branding right away. KBlocks and its Pink Bunny theme will be part of the Fluffy default installation, in case one already learned all languages on this planet using Parley.


Kopete is the chat application that millions of users use to stay in touch. We acknowledge this fact and also work hard on bringing more fluffyness to Kopete. What is especially awesome about the theme version you see above, is that the background was contributed by one of our first fans – it will also be available as full feature version as desktop wallpaper.


There are a lot of web browsers available for the user to choose from. Also in the area of KDE software there is more than one. One of the currently uprising new browsers is called Rekonq and it also got a fair share of fluff.

Whether Rekonq will be the default browser on Fluffy is not yet decided, but those that wish to use it, advanced fluffyness will be available.


Years ago Florian Schepper created one of the first Plasma themes. It was called Fluffy Bunny. What Florian did not know back then was that Fluffy Bunny would become one of the all time favorite themes among users and developers of the KDE software compilation. Unfortunately over time Plasma became greatly incompatible with the theme and fans were denied the possibility to use this most unique piece of art.

Now Fluffy Bunny will be reinvented for the Fluffy Linux distribution!

Installation CD

Fluffy will be based on the magnificant Kubuntu operating system. The famous, but unfortunately now deserted Hannah Montana Linux also used Kubuntu as a base. We are currently working on some minor disturbances, so that soon you will be able to run an early alpha version of Fluffy already.


Fluffy will introduce Linux and the idea of Free/Libre Open Source Software to everyone who enjoys a pink, fluffy and good looking desktop. Fluffy is not about writing letters or doing one’s taxes, Fluffy is about enjoying Linux and KDE software in the best way possible. It replaces a boring computer with a world of wonders and imagination, where everything seems to be alive and an amazing graphical experience is waiting around every corner.
A world of unicorns and bunnies and fluffyness.


If you wish to follow the progresss of Fluffy you can follow us on Identi.ca and if you are on Facebook you might as well like Fluffy over there.

♥ Stay Fluffy ♥

38 thoughts on “Fluffy

    • Not at this point, but I think Frederik, co-funder of Fluffy, is already discussing this possibility with the Plasma developers. If all fails we can probably write a special Fluffy Clock where the unicorns move their legs.

      They did not get sick thus far, though I suppose it is something we should watch out for 🙂

  1. realy realy nice. My girlfriend like it very much.

    Is it also possible to make a package file for the package manager, so that I can fast use it without reinstallation. I have installed Kubuntu.

    I know most of the thinks you can download by opendesktop.org, but a fluffy package would be realy nice.

  2. I write a regular Linux feature for Micro Mart (www.micromart.co.uk – UK computer mag) Where and when can I download Fluffy so I can run a feature on it?

    • I hope to have an alpha ready soonish, if you want to look at that. For a first stable release I unfortunately cannot yet make any predictions. In either case we will announce it on the regular sources (identica, this blog, facbeook…).

  3. I tried Parley, it has plugin problems, a missing python-kde4 dependency for google-images and mwclient issues for wikimedia, wmclient isn’t packaged for debian/ubuntu yet and the embedded mwclient is out of date re simplejson.

    When I got into parley, I tried to see if it had any Thai, only thai to german… so I opted for French, but I found the interface very confusing and complex, it seemed to keep on ask me if I really wanted to do things. Not easy.

    • True, Parley, needed some love. That is why it got much improved in the upcomming KDE SC 4.5.
      Only there it becomes truely fluffy. The missing dependencies are really something to work on with distros. If you know how to fix mwclient, please get in touch with me! Email me at gladhornKDEorg. Thanks!

  4. Haha, fluffy! 🙂

    About the parley theme: I’d make the text white instead of black as the background is already quite dark.
    Also the other black parts…

  5. Hi, i’m from Brazil

    First of all: This project is super, ultra, mega, wonderful
    Please, how can I join to your team?
    Realy, I love your idea, and I want to made part of your team

    Please contact-me

    Thank You, and success and prosperity to you and all your projects.

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