Mountains, Multimedia, and Cheese

The last day of KDE’s Randa Sprint 2014 is almost over and boy am I exhausted.

The awesome multimedia crew processed some 220 bugs in Phonon, KMix and Amarok. We did a Phonon 4.8 beta release allowing Linux distributions to smoothly transit to a newer version of GStreamer. We started writing a new PulseAudio based volume control Plasma widget as well as a configuration module to allow feature richer and more reliable volume control on systems with PulseAudio available.

In the non-multimedia area I discussed my continuous packaging integration plans with people to work out a suitable workflow. Certain planned improvements to KDE’s CI process make me very confident that in the not too distant future distributions will be able piggyback onto KDE’s CI and create daily integration builds in their regular build environments.

Many great things await!

‘A Spaceship’ by Rohan Garg

Phonon 4.7.2, Phonon VLC 0.7.2 and Phonon GStreamer 4.7.2

Fresh out of the oven comes a batch of maintenance updates  for the Phonon 4.7 series.

All parts of Phonon have received minor tweaks and bugfixes improving overall reliability and platform support. For in-depth information and download information head on over to the Phonon release page.


Weekly Plasma 5 Live ISO

With KDE Frameworks 5 and Plasma 5 not too far away our awesome Blue Systems build crew now increased the cadence at which we publish new Neon 5 Live ISO images for you to test. I am very happy to announce that from now on there will be a new ISO waiting for you every Friday at:

Neon 5 provides daily built packages of the latest and greatest KDE software based on KDE Frameworks 5 based on Kubuntu, so what you get every Friday is most certainly no older than 24 hours. This makes the ISOs a perfect way to test and report bugs in the upcoming release, as well as track the overall progress of things.
If you’d like continuous (albeit, less trouble-free) updates for an existing Kubuntu 14.04 or Neon 5 installation you can of course use the PPAs directly. Beware! There be dragons 😉

If you would like to support future KDE Development please check out the current fundraiser for the KDE Randa Meetings 2014.