Introducing: Phonon 4.5.0

After 2 months of development the Phonons are proud to present Phonon 4.5.0, the new and incredibly awesome version of our multimedia abstraction library for Qt and KDE.

As usual it is available for download from KDE

by Christolakis@flickr

Phonon 4.5.0 comes with all new Zeitgeist support, which enables multimedia applications to let Zeitgeist log playback activity to further improve the semantic desktop capabilities of both the KDE Software Collection as well as GNOME. Also new is integration with Qt Designer, the Qt widget based design application, which will eventually enable developers to build a simple video player in about 30 seconds. The Phonon API now supports the DVD menu button. Support will soon emerge in the backends for this very useful feature.

On top of all this Phonon 4.5.0 received many smaller improvements to increase reliability of both Phonon itself as well as its backends. Stay tuned for the upcoming backend goodness.

We need your help: without downloading Phonon, this wave will never be a particle, OMG!

12 thoughts on “Introducing: Phonon 4.5.0

  1. Hi!
    Thanks a lot for this update! Is there some place to get more details about all that stuff?
    Also, will Phonon support external subtitles sometimes? This is really a need for a multimedia framework.
    Thanks again!

  2. What I want to know is why Phonon devs don’t call themselves “The Phonominals” as the collective noun… 😀

    +1 For Zeitgeist logging through Phonon! Phwoar!

  3. Excellent version, I really hope more closed sourced software start using Phonon, because it’s so fraggin’ hot! 🙂 btw, who knows where phonon by default get information of devices and volume controls (ALSA with ALC883), and where does it save information of the devices it finds? I simply wanna clean out residue that’s left out from asoundrc and look at those files it is looking at. 🙂

    • If you are using KDE that would be phonondevicesrc for devices (although the KDE Phonon plugin will be aware of changes to ALSA/the hardware and accordingly ask you whether removed devices can be dropped etc). Volume values are not stored in Phonon configs, so there are actually 2 options:

      a) if you are using PulseAudio, volume will be set by PA (unless b))
      b) the application saves the volume on exit and restores on start (which will override both Phonon’s initial default and PulseAudio’s)

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