Starving Developers

Please help!

KDE‘s Randa Meetings is quite possibly the best large-scale developer sprint ever. And you can help make it happen.

Imagine some 40 developers cramped together in a house in the middle of the Alps, living of code alone. Nothing could possibly go wrong….

Phonon, a pillar of our multimedia solutions, was revived in Randa. Kdenlive, our video editor, became 302% more awesome in Randa. The KDE Frameworks 5 movement seeking to make our awesome libraries more useful to all the world started in Randa. Amarok 2 was planned in Randa. Approximately a godzillion bugs were fixed in Randa.

Donate to the Randa Meetings 2014 now and get more free awesome! I personally have set my heart on making multimedia more awesome with easier APIs for developers and UPnP streaming support, also other stuff ( maybe a wallpaper that shows kittens wearing hats? #kdekittenhat)